Arstists Collaboration Projects. 

Our mission is to create a community with creative people, artists, creators and people who are all equal under the sun. We want to engage as many artist and people to our community through our art markets, events and projects.  

Fleek Collabs

Based in the island of Cyprus Fleek is a brand dedicated to promote and fund the production of goods and help artist show their work to the public.We will achieve this through different kinds of products , support the local and eco-friendly production of them. We would love to collabarte with artists from all over the world as well and mix our culture and ideas. Passionate about art we aim to create as mush as we can, through @fleek_collabs an individual or a team can get funded for artworks that fits to our persona. DM us for any idea you might have or questions.

Welcome to our world , welcome to Fleek Collabs.